Founded  : 2006
Country : Egypt
Captial : 1.000.000 L.E
Tel : 002 02334666121
Fax: 002 233471321
Address : 162 Haram St. Intersection of El Arish St. Giza – Egypt

Founded  : 2001
Country : Egypt
Capital :480.082.000 LE
Tel : 002 0233466121
Fax : 002 023347121
Address : 96 K cairo Alex road – Wadi El natroun Kom hamada – Elbehira

Founded  : 2008
Country : Egypt
Captial : 5.000.000 L.E
Tel : 002 0223466121
Fax : 002 0223471321
Address :162 Haram St. Intersection of El Arish St. Giza – Egypt

Founded  : 2008
Country : Egypt
Capital : 5.000.000 LE
Tel : 002 0223466121 – 002 0238076611
Fax : 002 0223471321 – 002 0238076020
Address :162 Haram St. Intersection of El Arish St. Giza – Egypt

Founded  : 2006
Country : Egypt
Captial : 1.000.000 L.E
Tel : 002 02334666121
Fax: 002 233471321
Address :162 Haram St. Intersection of El Arish St. Giza – Egypt

Founded  : 2008
Country : Egypt
Captial : 5.000.000 L.E
Tel : 002 0223466121
Fax : 002 0223471321
Address : 162 Haram St. Intersection of El Arish St. Giza – Egypt